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Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Tibet : Tibet Beauty Pageant , Beauty Contest In the Works: MISS TIBET: BEAUTY IN EXILE A multifaceted exploration of

Best Miss World Beauty Pageants  

 a “beauty pageant with a difference.”
Using Western ideas as a vehicle to draw attention to the plight of his nation, a Tibetan promoter has run a beauty pageant for young Tibetan women for the past decade. Drawing participants from around the world to Dharamsala, the Miss Tibet Pageant aims to help the non-violent protest against Chinese occupation of Tibet by appealing to more populist and modern tastes – a tactic that has not escaped criticism. In their documentary, director/producer Norah Shapiro and producer Kelly Nathe explore the controversial event over its entire history, focusing on would-be Miss Tibets in three separate pageants.

There’s less than a week in the project’s IndieGoGo campaign. At the time of this writing, almost half of the $10,000 goal has been reached. Additional information and a mailing list signup may be found on the film’s website.
Over the past several years, the beauty pageant doc has emerged as a popular subgenre of the competition doc genre. There have been beauty pageant docs made on a wide variety of subjects – contestants of different ages, genders, sexualities, races, and disabilities. Some of these have been enjoyable, others merely diverting. I’ve written about competitions before, noting a formulaic tendency that is often in evidence, so I tend to be somewhat critical when I learn about new competition docs. In this case, Shapiro and Nathe’s engagement with larger issues around politics, gender, age, and national and cultural identity offer assurance that their film will offer a distinct take on, and questioning of, beauty pageants and, as a result, beauty pageant docs.

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Best Miss Earth Beauty Pageants
Best Miss International Beauty Pageants
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Best Miss World Beauty Pageants


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